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Beats and Bass Music Production

Ages 11-16

10 weeks during term time

Mondays 4.15-5.15pm

Music School Membership

Walthamstow School for Girls

Learn to Make Hip Hop, Grime, Afro Beat and House!

At this weekly music production group students will be given access to an online music production app and will learn how to produce their own music.

Students will complete weekly tasks and receive feedback from our specialist tutors to help them develop and finish their tracks. They can work on an instrumental track or build their beats around a vocal acapella.

We offer this class in partnership with VIP Studio Sessions music production software. Students will receive a log-in for this cloud-based software so they can continue working on their productions at home outside of the class. No specialist music production equipment is required.

How do I Join?

This group is part of the Music School - please sign up for Music School Groups and Ensembles and select 'Beats and Bass Music Production' as the group you'd like to join.

Beats and Bass Music Production Group
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